Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Okay so I never like Mc cain (HILARY AND OBAMA ALL THE WAY!!!!!!)  So I was reading and article from green peace, saying John Mc Cain's Ideas include Global warming and such, and you know how much i want to save the world from global warming!  Any way there is also a way to destroy the ideas of this evil (KIDDING, AND SO GLAD WE ARE NOT IN THE COMUNE GOV) person out to destroy the world!  All you need is an Email and the rents permission!  I'm so doing it! and it is just another way of trying to get my mom to vote for Obama.......  here it is

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Indian Jones real or fiction?

Every one knows about the new indy movie, but ever think that they are real?  well the fourth one about the Crystal Skull, well that may be actual fact, take a look here.  And sorry for lack of posts been on vacation with NO Internet connection!  it sucked.......

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Welcome Minny and Zippy to the world of blogging!

Okay so I was on ZG's blog yesterday and if you have been there today then you saw there knew mascot Zippy the vampire bat!  So I was like cool and I want one!  I looked and well they didn't have a dragon which is my real mascot!  A dragon in the shape of B.  But they did have a Panda which is trouble as many people know!  So like what could be better then an endangered animal on a blog about saving the world!  I gave ZG a call and it turns out that was the reason why they got the misunderstood vampire bat!  So This month is going to be on endangered animals!  
And blogger's of the world!  You should really get one!  They are so cute!  And also another reason why I got the Panda was because there the symbol the wild life foundation!